sekichi kitamura

[ Writer/Director ] since 1973~


Sekiz Kitamura : 北村勢吉
Birth place Nagasaki city
1991 Join theatre works in Ritsumei univ in kyoto
1993 Move to LondonQueenMerry&WestfieldCollege drama dpt
1997 Establish original theatre company in kyoto
Write and direct 19 works at that company
2000 Establish lgbt theatre company in Osaka ,Tokyo
2018 Start movie project in Tokyo Osaka Fukuoka Okinawa Taipei
2021 Won 15 nominations and 4 awards at two film festivals
2022 Won 1 award at the March 2022 Best Shorts Competition 
2023 Won 2 award at the March 2023 Independent Shorts Awards
2024 Won 1 award at International Filmmakers Fest
2024 won 1 award at paris international short festival



2018/10 美しい人

2018/10 その駅


2018/10 凍る碧

2019/8 BLIND


2018/10  キミノコエ